Janice is a board certified Holistic Nurse and Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, with additional certifications in Polarity Therapy and Clinical Aromatherapy. She is an internationally known aromatherapy practitioner and teacher and energy medicine practitioner who has been weaving principles of clinical aromatherapy and energy medicine into her Psychiatric and Mental Health nursing practice for over 35 years with remarkable results. She is an Aromatic-Touch Therapist, Reiki Master and Certified practitioner in Dr Jane Buckle’s “M” Technique, a structured system of touch that is suitable for the critically ill, the very fragile or the dying.
Since 1994, Janice has been an active, driving force in bringing complementary therapies to the Massachusetts nursing community. Dedicated to the advancement of aromatherapy as a safe, research-based nursing intervention, Janice was a member of the Massachusetts State Nursing Board’s Advisory Ruling on “Holistic Nursing Practice and Complementary Therapies” task force. This 1997 landmark ruling provided the framework which allows nurses in Massachusetts to utilize complementary therapies under the scope of acceptable and safe nursing practice.
Through Janice’s aromatherapy certification classes for nurses and healthcare professionals, and consultation services for the development of complementary therapy programs, aromatherapy and energy therapy programs have been developed at multiple Massachusetts health care facilities, where nurses are currently utilizing essential oils and aromatic touch therapies within the context of their nursing practice to help patients with pain, anxiety, sleep and difficulty coping.
In addition to her holistic nursing practice, Janice has been board certified in Psychiatric and Mental Health nursing since 1988. She specializes in aromatherapy and transformational energy therapies in the management of anxiety, depression, phobias, 12 step addiction recovery, stress reduction and trauma release.
Advanced Polarity Therapy training includes Certified Polarity Therapist in 1984 through the Polarity Center in Boston with Nancy Risley and American Polarity Therapy Association Associate Polarity Practitioner in 2003 after additional training in Polarity education with Beth Adler-Duthe at the Polarity Realization Institute.
Additionally, Janice is a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner through Healing Touch Program, Reiki Level 1&2 with Reiki Master Vivian Gifford, RN, and Reiki Master/Teacher with Reiki Master Teacher Lisa Powers, Therapeutic Swedish Massage at Cambridge Touch Therapy Institute, Reflexology through International Institute of Reflexology, Vibrational Aromatherapy with Carol Corio /Ixchel Leigh, Aromatic Blending with John Steele, and Energy Medicine studies with Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook of Energy Medicine Partnerships.
Janice studied clinical aromatherapy with Dr Jane Buckle in 1996 and was the coordinator for Dr. Buckle’s first aromatherapy certification program in New England. In 2000, she was among the first group of certified and nationally registered nurse aromatherapists in the USA, having successfully passed the Aromatherapy Registration Council’s first Registration exam.
Additionally, Janice is a Level 3 NAHA Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and a member of the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy. In 2001, Janice co-authored the “White Paper“ research for NAHA’s scope of practice policy statement regarding safe dermal application of essential oils.