There are seven LEVEL 1 in person classes which meet every other week, from 10:00AM-1:00PM.
Tuition for each Level 1 class is $125.00 and includes all essential oils, carrier oils and blending supplies for that class. Pay $800.00 for all seven classes up front for $75.00 savings! Venmo : @Janice-Gagnon—Warr
Attendance at all classes is expected and makeup for missed classes must be discussed with instructor for makeup arrangements. In addition to $125.00 tuition for each missed class, there is a makeup class fee of $50.00 for 1 hour private 1:1 makeup class time with instructor.
If you have any questions, please use the “Contact Us” form in the menu to notify me of your intent to join the certification program, and please include your name, telephone number, credentials, healthcare background, and your aromatherapy experience, if any. I will contact you to schedule a call to discuss any questions.